Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why did i attend college? Good question!


       When I was asked, "Why did you decide to go to college?" I've got to be honest in saying that before that moment I had not really thought about the reasons of my decision. So I immediately sat down and wrote out what exactly were the reasons I decided to pursue my college career.


       My main reason for attending college was the satisfaction of knowing that I was challenging myself to go above the academic standard that I thought I could handle. I've personally grown up in a household where my brothers and sisters all got into college on full-ride scholarships, but it didn't workout as well for me. I always felt pressured to go to college, but sometimes I just wanted to give up trying in school, because I would study hard and still make below par grades. However, I kept on pushing myself and ended up getting a partial scholarship to JSU!


       Another reason for going to college was that it would be helpful to me as I was headed into the real world. In high school I was always around the same people everyday and we were babied as students and given more chances to finish work than we really deserved.Once you get into college it is a whole different ball game! If you need to get a book for class then you have to go, get it, and buy it from the bookstore, it's not your teacher just handing it to you for free. If you need to get up early for a class, then it's your responsiblity to set an alarm. College definitely helps in the growing process when becoming an adult.


       The last reason that I decided to go to college is the fact that I get to learn to do something that I feel passionate about! I'm going to major in Hospitality and Culinary Managment at JSU and that is so exciting to me, because I have a passion for cooking and owning my own resturant one day. With a college education, I will be able to learn everything that I will need to further pursue my goal to own my own restaurant!


       These are just a few reasons why I decided to go to college. I cant wait to see what is in store for me in the future. God Bless!


  1. I think you have really good reasons for deciding to go to college, and I agree that college will help the growing up process too. Also, I didn't know you liked to cook, cooool:)

  2. I can honestly say that I understand and respect your drive to do whatever it takes to better your future. I hope that everything works out for you and that you are successful. College is going to be a challenge, but it will be an accomplishment to say that we have completed such a major obstacle. Congratulations and continue to strive for your goals.

  3. That's awesome! I know what you mean about feeling pressured to go to college. Congratulations on the scholarship you did get though. And, you can cook? That's awesome! I can only cook if it comes in a box with instructions. :)

  4. The fact that you pushed on and got a scholarship after wanting to just give is really inspiring. Most people can`t understand why school is so hard for some people and so easy for others, and most really do look at another student who never studies and makes straight A`s and they give up because it doesn`t seem fair. But the people who can push past that and are willing to put in the hard work always reap the rewards. I think your dream of owning a restaurant is wonderful and I hope that you reach all your goals!

  5. THat's awesome that you got a scholarship! And I totally agree about the fact that college forces you to learn self responsibility. It's something that will really help us in the future. And I hope everything works out with your restaurant!! That sounds so cool! :)

  6. Congratulations on your partial scholarship to JSU! I can imagine how excited you were! I thought your points made about college helping the growing process were dead on! It really forces you to grow up which lots of people our age need! Also the fact that your majoring in Hospitality and Culinary management sounds so cool. That seems like it would lead to a fun career!
