Let me first start off by saying how
much I enjoyed blogging in this class. At first I was not to sure
about how it would go, but I am happy that I decided to stay in the
class! Through this class I have had growth in my writing that I
thought I wasn’t capable of. Even my family read some of my blogs,
and they were thoroughly impressed! Now lets look into detail what I
feel has grown better in my writing.
In my blog post Why
did I attend College? Good Question! I had trouble with coming up
with what to put down because it was my first blog post for the
class. I wrote it the best I could at the time, and it turned out
alright. I tried to insert some personal stories in there to see how
people responded, and the response was great! So I made that my
signature in my writings! That was really the only thing I really
learned in my first blog post, along with my lack of grammar skills.
The second blog I'd like to talk about
is my blog called, Pros
and Cons of a Little Place called College!. Going from my 1st
post to this post was a great improvement. My wording was a lot
better and I took an approach that no one else took, and it made my
post unique and original. Along with the improvement of my grammar
problems, it also started to make me actually think about what I was
writing. Instead of writing with no emotion like I used to do, I
started writing with a purpose and an objective. It helped with
improving my writing.
The main post that I feel improved
more than any was College....is
it enough these days???. I mean, everything about this post was
an improvement! I used many sources throughout my post so it showed
that I actually researched the topic I was discussing, instead of it
just being my opinion. My ideas I felt were put together in a good
order, and made sense to the reader. Also, the topic for this post
really cemented way I personally went to college. It was the post I
enjoyed writing the most, and I feel that it showed in my writing.
All in all this class helped me in a
big way as a writer. Thank you for helping me in my writing Mrs.
Sasser. You really did help me in a big way, and made me more
confident as a writer/blogger!
Thank you and God bless!
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